I hate this subject but cannot shy away from it any longer.
There are plenty of rights and wrongs in the world and it seems like everyone
has an opinion how to get our country on the right track, the problem is, are
we willing to go the distance and make the sacrifices to get “on the right
track?” what is the “right track?”
Have any of
you lived like our country’s forefathers? Living of the land or rather… “Off
the grid” is an audrious task and cannot be taken lightly. Add hostile people
who are starving, armed and dangerous who are used to having EVERYTHING handed
to them, looking to take what you have to survive.
NOW the odds are
stacking pretty high. The idea of being stuck in the city if anarchy and
martial law becomes the reality of our society is a grime nightmare. There will
only be the protection of your personal firearms and alliances that you can
make. High tailing it to the hills will be what most people will want to do.
Run and hide till it is over.
The reality of it all is… we
live in an artificial world, TV and the internet is the surrogate mother that
feeds us every day. It is almost impossible to live off the land these days.
How many of us could actually do it? Be serious and ask yourself… “Can I make
it? Can I provide and protect my family?”
I may not be a rich man when it comes to wealth, but I am
rich in other ways. I have a great woman and son. A few terribly, awesume
friends, my jobs I do are not even work to me most of the time. I am pretty
much happy with most of my life. I love to make things, make art. I love the
crafts that I practice… the trades I have invested years into perfecting.
Drawing, painting, welding, metal shaping, wood working, building… the act of
creating… the freedom I have endured and enjoyed is something I have NEVER
taken for granted. I have worked very hard to gain the little amount of dirt I
have accumulated. Where will it all lead
if our country goes to total crap?
Remember Mad Max? Will the future be decided by a bunch of
cyber punk Homo’s with leather-bound mohawked weirdoes strapped to the front of
their vehicles? After the bombs drop with the entire JiHad the muslim world can
muster… and there is nothing but ruins and junk cars left were we all once were
a thriving populace, will we become a bunch of raving idiots who will start
little barter towns all over the sandy terrains that were once cities full of
life? What about Escape to New York? Gangs controlling the inner cities? Sound
awesume! Have fun with that!
Where are
all the answers to our problems? Don’t look to me to be your leader. I don’t
want to be the chief of our new tribe. I am tired of being a leader at times. I
maybe “the Boss”, but I do not want to be president. I do not see why anyone
would want that job. Anyone who would want that job these days is probably
gonna be a power hungry phony. I can NOT stand to hear people say they do not vote
and complain about the current jackass that IS “commander and Chief!” even if you MAY have voted for him and
changed your mind, it is STILL GREAT THAT YOU VOTED IN THE FIRST PLACE! Hell
man… we ALL make mistakes… I HAVE and still do at times. The number one excuse
is that “my one vote is not gonna make a difference.” Yes it will.
Get off your butt and
vote. People do senseless things everyday that requires more physical effort
that are TOTAL wastes of time and it is never any big deal. There is no excuse.
If you love our country. VOTE. Or leave. you have NO say. You are not evercising
your Fundamental right as an American. What is the big deal anyway about going…
is it THAT big a drag?
This afternoon, I am
reflecting on two important days that have MORE important meanings more than
writing a regular “I love Choppers” article. My birthday which I Proudly share
with The Marines and Veterans Day. I believe in the men and women who have
served and serve our country. They are
the only thing that are gonna keep us free. I do not think they should be taken
lightly or misused to fight other countries battles. My family has fought in
almost EVERY war in The United States history.
They fought for our freedom. These days, we all question what we are
fighting for. Are we a blind pack of wolves being led by a bunch of greedy
power hungry idiots? Probably so.
I choose the chopper culture because it has put my destiny
back into my own hands. I do not believe in main society. I do not trust “the
MAN” … I barely trust what I see in modern men’s “wisdom. We are TOO big for
our pants. We live in a constant barrage
of smoke screens, all dictated by miley cyrus’s skinny butt twerking and then
tweeting about it. What the heck IS tweeting and twerking anyWAY??? Why do I
have to watch what I say when garbage like THIS rules the information age? I
just wanna get on my bike and ride. I do not car if it is cold at all… the cold
season is the best time to hit the black top. Most everyone who might run over
you is huddle around a heater watching netflicks!
Drifting off in dreams of shaping steel into the chariot
that will propel me into the wind. The crack of the throttle is the thrills I
crave. No more alcohol. No drugs can ever hold my attention again. I am free of
the bonds that have held me in times of grief. The only thinks that seem to matter
are the things that can be touched, heard, and smelled. Family, friends, pets,
and my tools.
Harley is once again twisting the motorcycle market again to
the point where you just have to wonder… WHOSE SIDE ARE THEY ON? Talk about
politics, ever since the twin SCAM came out and took the total jap bike idea,
I.E. motor and tranny as a one piece unit (honda and the sort), the VroB water
cooled monstrosity, the motor company HAD to keep on trucking with a BIG ole
knife in the back to ALL VTWIN advocates with the new line of 750’s and 550’s!
SAY WAAAAATTTTT??? Yep water cooled 750 and 550 models! And are making a lot of
them in INDIA! For India BY Indians (not my fellow natives). Does that piss you off all of you hardcore
Harley stock riders who are HOG members and all? It should. I thought Harley
was an AMERICAN Company. NOT SO AT ALL.
What is an American Company? Try to buy an American Flag
that is made in the U.S.A. stop selling Pan, Shovels, and Flat heads to over
sea collectors then spending money on the newer clones that are outsourced from
other countries. Do you see Japan buying the crap out of twin SCAM’S? NO even
though they make a lot of the components on new Hardly Davidson’s, they want
the REAL deal. Made in America when we were STILL craftsmen.
I may not have all the answers to save our country, but I do
have some suggestions. I can beat a dead horse back to life but, I am not gonna
rehash what I said earlier in this article. I WILL add to these collections of
simple bits of SPACEY wisdom that dwells in me. Learn a craft that you can use
to help you survive. Woodworking, metal working, skinning a bear… SOMETHING!
Get your hands dirty. Shut off the computer a couple of times a week and make
something that is useful. Learn to sew, learn to hunt, cook, anything that can
help you to rely on yourself and can give you the sense of a little self reliance.
I will leave you with this… I heard a radio commercial the other day that
suggested that we turn off the lights and radio and sit in the dark for awhile
to help us understand what it was like in a simpler time before electricity.
Try it. No cell phones or high speed internet. Just you and darkness… think
about the things that REALLY matter in your life. Think past the smoke screens
that TV and the plight of the political crap that grips our country… it is time
to get grounded. Wrap up some warm clothes and go for a ride…
Yur pal